School Policies
Lakewood Little Lynx Preschool
5207 N Tischer Rd, Duluth MN 55804
218-336-8870 ext 2603
(a full list of our policies and procedures and handbook can be requested at any time)
The Preschool is open during the isd 709 calendar school year, Monday-Friday from 7:30 am until 2:15 pm. The preschool offers half and full day programs. Half-day is 7:30 am - 11:30 am and full day is 7:30 am - 2:15 pm. The first and last day of school are the same as ISD709.
Preschoolers may be dropped off at school at 7:30 am inside the Main Entrance of the building. Parents should make direct contact with the teacher present upon dropping off their child. Students will go with their teacher(s) to breakfast from 7:30-7:45 am. The preschool program will begin at 8:00 am. Students attending the half day program will be dismissed at the same spot inside the Main Entrance to the building at 11:30 am. Parents needing to pick up their child outside of scheduled times need to write a note on the sign-in sheet, email Elicia or Jakki at, or call the Lakewood secretary, Jerrie at 218-336-8870.
Tuition is to be paid in full at the beginning of each month. Each month's tuition is the same regardless of days attended (sick, vacation, or holidays). A fee of $40 will be added to the next month's invoice if tuition is not received by the 15th of the month.
Monthly Rates 5 full days - $700
3 full days - $420
5 half days - $350
3 half days - $210
If anyone in the preschoolers family or household has tested positive for covid, and the child is not vaccinated, they will need to stay home from school pending negative results. If your preschooler is vaccinated, they may attend school as long as they have no symptoms and a negative test.
Children who are ill must stay home. Students with a fever, diarrhea or vomiting must stay home until they are symptom free for at least 24 hours without medication. Because COVID-19 includes many symptoms that are similar to other illnesses, families should contact their family’s health care provider for evaluation and guidance.
Little Lynx Preschool will use the CDC to help guide decision making about mitigation strategies related to COVID-19.
For the 2023-2024 school year:
Masks will be optional for all students and staff. Students wishing to wear a mask while at school should provide their own mask from home.
Students who are ill should stay home from school.
If your child tests positive for COVID-19,
The positive student must remain at home for the required isolation period according to the current CDC recommendations.
Contact Elicia or Jakki by emailing for information about your child’s return to school.
Children who have a contagious illness such as strep throat, chicken pox, pink eye, lice, etc. must be treated and on antibiotics for at least 24 hours before returning to school. Please notify the school as soon as possible so we can properly notify families of the exposure.
Children who become sick at school will be expected to be picked up and sent home immediately.
Lunch will be served in the preschool classroom. Per Licensing, lunches brought from home should be nutritious and contain a protein, fruit, vegetable, and grain. A microwave will be available for reheating food if necessary. Two snacks will be provided each day in the mornings and will align with DHS standards. Snacks will include: a variety of dairy, fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Families may help contribute by sending snack donations to school with your child.
Little Lynx Preschool will follow the ISD 709 school related closing due to weather. Follow WDIO news for school closing. If there is a two hour weather related late start, Preschool will start at 10:00 am. If severe weather comes during the school day, you will be notified of any closures and be expected to come get your child from school.
The preschool maintains the personal health information of all students for licensing purposes as well as emergency situations. Health information is shared on a “need-to-know” basis among the teachers of the preschool and with medical service providers in an emergency. The preschool teachers make every reasonable effort to maintain the privacy of the personal health information of the students.
1. In the event of an accident or injury, your child will be brought to St. Luke’s Hospital, unless you have provided an alternate care facility. Parents will be notified immediately.
2. All teachers are certified in CPR, AED, and First Aid Training.
3. Staff and children perform monthly fire drills. (Meeting place: the playground)
4. Staff will conduct tornado drills in the spring months. Children are directed to the hallway during tornado drills and warnings.
If students have medication that needs to be administered, there must be a signed doctor's note accompanied with medication in its original bottle. Over-the-counter medications cannot be administered by staff at preschool. If sharps are needed, there will be a sharps container in a safe location.
Parent conferences are conducted twice during the school year. The first conference will occur in the fall and will consist of a checklist of age-appropriate skills that your child’s teacher is observing. The second conference will be a sit-down meeting with your child’s teacher. There will be a sign-up available for meeting times. If you have questions, comments or concerns, please talk to one of the preschool teachers.
Parents, guardians, friends, and family members are wonderful additions to the preschool classroom and welcomed mostly any time. The main entrance to the school is secured during the day. All visitors will need to request entry and sign in at the Main Office upon arrival at Lakewood School. Volunteer opportunities will be communicated by teachers and scheduled ahead of time.
The current license allows for up to 20 students ranging from 33 months to kindergarten age (5 years old). There is a 10-1 students to staff ratio.
If families would like to share a pet with the school, please consult with the teachers and an appropriate plan will be determined that works for all the students in the classroom, the school, and the visiting pet. If pets do visit the school, they will be kept in the main entrance of the building only and out of the classroom.
Smoking or tobacco use is NOT permitted in the building, near a doorway, on the Nature trail, or on the playground.
Qualified teachers are called to substitute in case of a teacher absence, emergency leave, or personal time.
The children’s files will consist of the Enrollment form, Health Care Summary and Immunization Records, progress reports, conference sheets and observation notes.
Lakewood Little Lynx Preschool has the expectation that all students remain safe, respectful, and kind. Students will be expected to follow the rules and direction of the preschool staff. Severe behavior will be addressed by the teachers to the parents.
Parents or guardians who have a concern, complaint, or question about Lakewood Little Lynx Preschool, its staff, students, or parents, should contact the Director or the President of the Foundation to address concerns. If further action is needed, contact the Department of Human Services - Division of Licensing at (651) 431-6500
All staff at Little Lynx Preschool are mandatory reporters of suspected abuse and/or neglect. Reports regarding incidents with children will be made to St.Louis County Social Services (218) 726-2012. Staff will call the police (911) or (218) 726-2340 if a child is in immediate danger.
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